
Become a Forex Affiliate – Earn money on top of our free courses!

Forex Affiliate

Are you looking for some new ways to grab the New Year by the throat and make it a financial success? On top of the fantastic free resources, mentorship, and community here at Trade & Train, we’re also proud to offer you the chance to take your trading to the next level with a Forex affiliate trading program

What is Forex Affiliation?

Think of forex affiliation as third-party marketing for the Trade & Train program you’ve already used. Every time you successfully refer someone to the same fantastic course that’s helped you take your first steps in the market, you get a little something back too. It’s a great way to earn an easy, and sometimes even passive, side income to supplement your investment activities. This way, everyone benefits. You can speak from true experience of the program, and more people get to hear about the fascinating world of Forex. It’s a fantastic way to extend your Forex experience and deepen the way you experience the trading community. 

Why Trade & Train’s Forex Affiliate Program is Worthwhile

Forex affiliate programs have become more and more common in recent years. What makes ours stand out? We certainly don’t just expect you to take our word for it! In addition to the chance to earn some extra income (which you can, of course, roll right back into your Forex trading activities) we’ve also committed to transparency. We want you to succeed at every turn, so we’re open and honest with you about what we offer, and how you’re doing as an affiliate. 

We also don’t throw mindless restrictions about your rebates at you. The idea is for us to scratch each other’s backs, allowing you to generate income as you need, not dictate how and when you can use it.  We’re looking to share, not just take.

Plus, we make sure you can easily access the marketing materials you need for success. After all, you’re helping us with our marketing efforts, too. That’s why we offer you the tools needed to get it done the right way.

What makes us a great Forex affiliate program to choose?

The key takeaway in Forex affiliate programs is that you need the right partner. Who wants to spend a ton of time, energy, and brainpower and see it all go to waste, after all?

The whole referral system needs to be built on trust, from the bottom to the top. If your referrals can’t trust you, then they won’t use you. No one wants a sketchy brokerage with no reputation or trust. That’s where scams can happen. People want to know everyone is being treated fairly, the best trading opportunities are on offer, and everything is above board.

Trade & train is proud of our reputation as a reputable, trustworthy brokerage that people keep trading with for years and years. This means more commission for you, more gains for them, and happy, healthy, and trust-focused Forex community for everyone to enjoy.

So we’re honest with commissions, honest with our customers, and take pride in offering a ton of free community resources to help build everyone up, too.

Some Forex Affiliate tips

How you go about your Forex affiliate promotions will depend on how you like to work. Many people today look to social media. This could be anything from blogging and guest posting to PPC campaigns, email marketing, and other online marketing strategies. Just as with the markets themselves, this is going to need you to make sure you have data analytics in place so you can see what’s working and what isn’t.

As with anything online these days, keyword research is your friend. This gives you a strong base to draw on as you market yourself, and will help with everything from content creation to ad copy. There’s some fantastic free SEO tools out there in the market today, so take advantage of them.

You’ll also see the ‘buyer persona’ tossed around a lot. This is basically a fictional figure you create to help guide and personalize your marketing efforts. This helps you identify the challenges, interests, pain points, and more of the people you’re trying to interest. This way, you can identify their obstacles and bring them solutions through your Forex affiliate program.  

Modern digital marketing is about offering value, not just hard sell. We bet part of the reason you’re interested in being an affiliate for Trade & Train is the easy access to free, quality resources on the Forex markets, right? The idea is to provide the same experience to those you wish to market to. Help them be the best they can, so in turn they come to see you as an influential and trustworthy source. 

And don’t forget the call to action! While you need to provide that value, there’s nothing wrong with encouraging them to interact further with your affiliate links. Don’t be shy!

As you can see, there’s a lot of value to yourself and others in becoming a Forex affiliate partner. Not only do you get to grow your income and engage deeper in the overall Forex community, but others get the value, help, and mentorship they need to take their first steps in Forex trading. Plus the brokerage develops from the growing community you help foster and guide, too. Using a Forex affiliation program to its full potential can be the best way to grow your Forex activities further.

Interested? Want to know more? Why not take a look at our affiliate page, or drop the trade & Train a note today? We’re always happy to help!


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